Custodio Bissetti Advogados

About Us

Custodio e Bissetti Advogados Associados was founded twenty years ago to act exclusively and in a specialized way in the counselling of individuals and corporations in legal matters related to labor and employment.

The mindset of the firm is to provide a tailor-made service by means of teams of experienced lawyers in this area, structures of process administrative controllership and systems of security and digital data preservation. The firm operates all over Brazil liaising with duly qualified professionals that are accredited by a rigorous internal work system.


Renato Antonio Villa Custodio

Legal counselling on HR practices, benefits schemes and profit-sharing agreements, analysis and drafting of employment contracts, service agreements, hiring and terminating employment contracts for key executives, Labor unions and the Labor Public Prosecutor’s Office. Doctoral Candidate in Law from Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa, Master´s Degree in Law from Universidade de São Paulo, expert in Civil Procedural Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Post-Graduation professor in Labour Law at the INFOC (Instituto Nacional de Formação Continuada), lecturer in classes, seminars and debates, affiliated to courses and congresses of various segments in the area, and writer of legal articles.

Marcio Alexandre de Melo e Bissetti

Lawyer, Master´s Degree in Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP) - The Law School, , Masters Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP), Business School, member of Executive Boards of companies, is accredited as by IBGC - The Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. President pro bono of the NGO “ A Aternativa”. Specialized in process implementation for human resource management and liabilities prevention.


Charles Fraccarolo

Postgraduate Lawyer from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, awarded the title of Specialist in Labor Relations Law, consultant and lecturer of diverse Labor Law matters.

Gabriel Rebouças Bressane

Labor Relations Postgraduate Lawyer from Escola Paulista de Direito – EPD.


Professional Ethics

We advocate that the legal profession should be practiced with integrity, responsibility and mainly with respect to the client’s needs.


We believe that hard work well executed is the best way to find the best solution for each case.


Having performed in numerous cases, the firm along with its members possess vast expertise in the solution of legal matters and always keep updated by attending courses, lectures, workshops, and through continuous study.


The practice of law must be very personal, for which we value the role and distinctiveness of the lawyer, fighting the commercialism and the idea of \\\' business firm\\\' where the client is services by anyone.


Our daily work is based on cross-functional quality control in order for all petitions, legal stands, contracts, scheduling, strategy and everything that is produced, is previously verified by another lawyer of the board before its implementation.


We invest in the innovation of our activity with systems to follow up on processes, a digital library, digital syllabus of Jurisprudence, e-doc, and all the systems necessary for the adequacy to present technological progress.